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You can make a difference in someone's life


The first step in solving a problem - any problem - is to define the problem. In the matter of the justice system, it’s not crime that’s the problem. Crime has been around for centuries and will continue to thrive long after we are gone.

Let me remind you of the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Riebuhr (1892-1971):

Notice the phrase, “accept the things I cannot change”. That phrase is one of my many mantras. Why waste my valuable time on this planet trying to change criminal activity? We have a particularly good system set up to deal with crimes and those who commit them. I can control me. I have absolute control over my thoughts and actions. Therefore, I will use all my available resources to stay away from committing crimes and staying away from incarceration.

Change comes from within. Once we reach adulthood, we put away our childish thoughts and activities. Our parents, teachers, mentors, family, and community are contract agents. We can seek guidance and advice from them. Our thoughts and opinions become our own and we must take responsibility for our actions. Addiction, mental state of mind, depression, chronic pain, traumatic experiences, etc. become an excuse for unruly behavior. The resources to help us get and stay on the right path are out there and available to everyone who seeks them. If they weren’t, we’d all be criminals and locked away for life. What makes us different from other animals is our ability to learn from others and teach others.

When the question comes up as to how we are going to reduce the rise of crime, the response should be, “What is causing crime?” All people were created equal for rights and physical traits, not in their mentality. One option, let’s say prison, will not end crime. We must focus on the people committing the crimes. And we must approach them individually.

Crime can be managed not by punishing the convicted person. Crime can be managed by giving the individual the resources needed to find other means of curtailing the motives. The 911 call line is a well-advertised resource. It is difficult to find people who do not know that number and what it represents. Other numbers such as 211 and 311 should be as popular. Public places should have a common number for people to call to get assistance. I would even go as far as to have cell phone companies offer the number as a standard cell phone feature, like 411.

Imagine a world where people who feel suicidal or lost and confused can call 411 from their cell phone and be connected to an operator who will connect them to applicable assistance. In this age of information, you would think people can get the assistance they so desperately seek without committing a crime.

In the movie, “The Wizard of Oz” the four main characters complete a fantastic journey to discover what they already have. We all have within us the ability to do good things and to live comfortably within our community. Some people need the wizard to remind them that inner peace exists. And those people are the only ones who can tap into it and attain self-satisfaction. Let's be the Wizard!


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